
Opportunities with the Hong Kong History Centre


【Call for Papers】
Emerging Paths in Hong Kong History: A Graduate Conference

The Hong Kong History Centre invites proposals for the upcoming graduate conference, Emerging Paths in Hong Kong History, to be held on 25-26 June 2025 at the University of Bristol. This conference aims to provide a platform for emerging scholars to present innovative research, engage in academic dialogue, and contribute to the evolving historiography of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong history is a dynamic field of study that intersects with global, regional, and local narratives. This conference seeks to explore new perspectives, methodologies, and topics that cut across the geographical and temporal boundaries in studying Hong Kong history.

Potential themes include (but are not limited to):
Intra-Asian connections
Global and transnational networks
Colonial governance
Migration and diaspora
Cultural production and identity formation
Environmental history
Medicine, science, and technology
Urban development and architectural heritage
Gender and sexuality
Economy and trade

Submission guidelines:
Proposals are invited for individual papers of 20 minutes, or for panels including three such papers.
Each abstract should be no more than 250 words.
Please include a short biography of no more than 100 words.

Submissions should be completed via this Microsoft Form by 14 March 2025.
Successful applicants will be notified by 7 April 2025.

The conference will feature paper presentations, a keynote session, and networking opportunities. We will prioritise submissions from graduate students, while submissions from early career scholars (PhD completed within the last three years) will also be considered.

We expect to be able to provide a reasonable contribution to the expenses incurred for participants to present at the conference, including hotel accommodation and domestic travel within the UK. For applicants outside the UK, if you would like to be considered for further travel subsidies, please submit with your application a short statement (no more than 300 words) outlining your research interests, purpose in attending the conference, an estimated budget of expenses, and availability of funding from your institution. We expect that you apply for funding from your institution before requesting further subsidies from us. For inquiries, please email allan.pang@bristol.ac.uk.

Important Dates:
Abstract and CV Submission Deadline: 14 March 2025
Acceptance Notification: by 7 April 2025
Conference Date: 25-26 June 2025

Check back here for regular postings of current and forthcoming opportunities to work and study with us.