日期:2025年3月29日 (星期六)
地點:Lecture Room 8, Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road, University of Bristol, BS8 1TB
– 實體活動。
– 是次活動地點有別慣常,將在同一建築物的另一課室Lecture Room 8舉行。
– 請於Ticketpass報名,屆時會有少量港式茶點提供。
茶餐廳是香港不可或缺的一部份;更大膽的說法是,香港的每個人都一定去過或吃過茶餐廳的食物。但若退後一步,茶餐廳與其他地方大多數餐廳相比,顯然是不正常的:它是如此便宜抵食,卻會有樓面侍應,而任何相類近的餐廳均需要客人自己捧餐; 它供應最奇怪的食物,將意大利粉放於清淡的罐頭湯中,還要加上數片叉燒。是次沙龍將帶大家瞭解茶餐廳的歷史發展,瞭解這香港創造的光怪陸離,在香港被視為理所當然的餐廳及食物。
【History Salon】 The Normalized Abnormal: Historical development of Hong Kong Caacaanteng
Date: 29 March 2025
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm (UKT)
Venue: Lecture Room 8, Arts Complex, University of Bristol
Language: Cantonese
Additional Information:
- In-person only.
- This time our event is in another classroom in the same building instead of the usual research space.
- Please register on Ticketpass. A small amount of Hong Kong-style refreshments will be provided.
Caacaanteng is in the life of everyone staying in Hong Kong; The bolder claim may even be that everyone in Hong Kong must have gone to or consumed cuisines from caacaanteng. But should we take a step back, we would come to the realization that it is markedly abnormal comparing to most restaurants elsewhere: it is so cheap yet someone would wait your table, when anything of the same calibre may be self-serviced; it serves the most bizarre thing where spaghetti is put in a bland broth topped with Cantonese barbequed pork. In this presentation, I wish to walk us through the historical development of caacaanteng, understanding the weird created by Hong Kong people, turning it into what we take for granted.
Samuel Dic Sum Lai is currently a PhD Candidate at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, SOAS, University of London. His research interest includes anthropology of food and restaurant, interactive service work, social relations and embodiment and skills.
Spatial History as Method: Using the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong as Example, 1941-1945Speaker: Dr. Kwong Chi Man, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Date and Time: 1 Apr 2025, 3:30 – 5pm (UKT) Venue: Lecture Room 8, Arts Complex, University of Bristol / Zoom Language: English Hybrid event. To attend, please register on Ticketpass. ---- Previous research on Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation period often focused on the brutal rule of the Japanese army and the suffering of civilians and prisoners of war. However, these descriptions sometimes lacked details on space and its changes. The speaker's recently completed "Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong: A Spatial History Project" attempts to reconstruct the urban space of Hong Kong during the occupation period. The project team collects historical materials from Chinese, British, American, and Japanese sources, and uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to establish details about the Japanese military government's administrative planning, economic activities, military deployment, public health, and underground resistance. This allows researchers and readers to understand different events and trends in specific spatial contexts. This lecture will discuss in detail the historical materials and technical aspects of this project, introducing the possibilities of revisiting history using digital humanities and spatial history methods. ---- Dr. Kwong Chi Man is an associate professor in the history department of Hong Kong Baptist University. He specialises in the military and naval history of modern East Asia, particularly from the Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895) to the 1970s. He has published Eastern Fortress A Military History of Hong Kong, 1840–1970 (co-authored) and Hongkongers in the British Armed Forces. His works can also be found in Modern Asian Studies, War in History, and Journal of Military History. Recently, he released a number of Digital Humanities projects, such as the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong: A Spatial History Project:
【歷史沙龍】「三年零八個月」:香港的戰爭經歷日期:2025年4月12日 (星期六) 時間:下午2:30至4:30 地點:Research Space, Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road, University of Bristol, BS8 1TB 語言:廣東話 ---- 備註: – 實體活動。 – 請於Ticketpass報名,屆時會有少量港式茶點提供。 ---- 1941年12月8日,日軍入侵香港,經18天戰鬥後,英聯邦軍投降,香港進入為期三年零八個月的日據時期。在此期間,日軍建立軍政體系,控制香港的政治、經濟與社會生活,實施軍票、糧食配給,以及強制疏散等措施,又推行嚴苛法規,市民面對饑餓和憲兵的統治。盟軍對香港的空襲又造成嚴重傷亡。是次講座將以時人在香港的不同經歷和新近發現的史料為中心,討論香港在大戰期間的角色和經歷。 ---- 鄺智文博士現為香港浸會大學歷史系副教授,其研究興趣為近代東亞軍事歷史,尤以中日甲午戰爭(1894-1895)至20世紀70年代的軍事和海軍史為重心。其著作包括《東方堡壘:香港軍事史,1840-1970》(HKUP 2014)和《英軍中的港人》(OUP 2022)。其論文亦見於《Modern Asian Studies》,《War in History》和《Journal of Military》等期刊。最近,他亦製作關於戰時香港的數位人文研究項目,例如「日據香港空間史研究」: ---- 【History Salon】'Three Years and Eight Months': Experiencing the Second World War in Hong Kong Date: 12 April 2025 Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm (UKT) Venue: Research Space, Arts Complex, University of Bristol Language: Cantonese ---- Additional Information: - In-person only. - Please register on Ticketpass. A small amount of Hong Kong-style refreshments will be provided. ---- On December 8, 1941, Japanese forces invaded Hong Kong, and after 18 days of fighting, the British Commonwealth forces surrendered, marking the beginning of a three-year and eight-month period of Japanese occupation. During this time, the Japanese established a military administration system, controlling Hong Kong’s political, economic, and social life, implementing military currency, food rationing, and forced evacuations, as well as enacting strict regulations. Civilians faced hunger and the rule of Kempeitai. Allied bombings of Hong Kong also resulted in severe casualties. This lecture will focus on the different experiences of people in Hong Kong during the war and recently discovered historical materials, discussing Hong Kong's role and experiences during this turbulent period. ---- Dr. Kwong Chi Man is an associate professor in the history department of Hong Kong Baptist University. He specialises in the military and naval history of modern East Asia, particularly from the Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895) to the 1970s. He has published Eastern Fortress A Military History of Hong Kong, 1840–1970 (co-authored) and Hongkongers in the British Armed Forces. His works can also be found in Modern Asian Studies, War in History, and Journal of Military History. Recently, he released a number of Digital Humanities projects, such as the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong: A Spatial History Project:
More upcoming events details will be announced, please come back and check form time to time.