日期:2025年2月15日 (星期六)
地點:布里斯托大學 | Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road, University of Bristol, BS8 1TB
– 實體活動。
– 請於Ticketpass報名,屆時會有少量港式茶點提供。
金庸(查良鏞,1924-2018)與劉以鬯(1918-2018)以小說創作聞名於世,他們的作品對華語世界的文學與電影皆舉足輕重。同樣重要卻不常被討論的,是這兩位大文豪於戰後香港作為新聞從業員的貢獻。查氏於 1953 年創辦的《明報》成為他與中國共產黨多年「筆戰」的戰場。1950 年代,時任《香港時報 • 淺水灣》、《星島日報 • 大會堂》等副刊主編的劉以鬯,更利用這些副刊宣揚香港的自由大都會形象,意圖與當時被視為經濟落後的中國大陸形成對比。甘詠雯將與大家一起探索這些於戰後香港創造、非常獨特的文化空間。
【History Salon】 Metropolitan and Gongwu (river and lake): Cultural Space in Postwar Hong Kong
Date: 15 Feb 2024
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm (UKT)
Venue: Research Space (1.H020), Arts Complex, University of Bristol
Language: Cantonese
Additional Information:
– In-person only.
– Please register on Ticketpass. A small amount of Hong Kong-style refreshments will be provided.
Jing Yong (Louis Cha, 1924-2018) and Liu Yichang (1918-2018) are renowned for their novels, which influenced the Sinophone world of literature and cinema. Equally remarkable was the two novelists’ simultaneous contribution to journalism in the early postwar period. Cha founded the pivotal newspaper Ming Pao Daily in 1953, which served as his ideological battlefield where he engaged in years of ‘pen-fights’ with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Liu, editor-in-chief of supplements such as the Hong Kong Times: Repulse Bay and the Sing Tao Daily: City Hall in the 1950s, instrumentalized these supplements to project the metropolitan image of the liberal colony of Hong Kong in contrast to what was perceived as the economically backward mainland of China. In the talk, Kam explores such fascinating cultural spaces that were created and accommodated in the postwar Hong Kong.
Liza Wing Man Kam, Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Studies (Chinese Studies), University of Vienna.
Kam’s research interests include Hong Kong and Taiwan’s colonial architecture and the transmutation in their particular postcolonial settings, postwar cultural and urban spaces, and culinary cultures. She conducted her PhD research at the Bauhaus in Germany and have been teaching and researching in Germany, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the US and Japan.